Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Straw House ( Back From The Past)

Straw House

Materials : Straws (A Lots a lots of em'), A4 Paper Stickers, Pins, Fevicol, Thermocol

  1. Cut a 2 square pieces of thermocol. About 4 inches in breadth and length.
  2. Cut a rectangular piece Of thermocol. About 2 inches in breadth and 4 inches in length.
  3. Cut four pillars. About 4 inches in length and 1 inch in breadth.
  4. Join the pillars and the square pieces to get a cube. 
  5. Join the remaining rectangle on top of the cube.
  6. Leaving the side whether rectangle edges are cover the other two sides with square shaped A4 size paper stickers. 
  7. Cut the A4 paper with the top in a little Triangle as shown in the front side picture.
  8. Stick it on the house.
  9. Put the same paper on top of the house to make a roof.
  10. Start Covering the house with straws and put pins or fevicol on it if required.
  11.  And your house is ready!!

Front Side
Window Side

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Return of JMD

Hello guys its been a long time since I have posted anything.  Since after 2 months I have got time I will be finally post things Sorry for the inconvenience

Friday, 2 September 2016

Back From The Past

Hello guys I am introducing my old DIY projects which I had created when I was young they might not have good photos but surely very easy to make. I have given them a special name it will be called Back From The Past.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Apple ( From a Bottle) DIY

Apple DIY

Materials : Transparent & Green Bottle, Scissors, Iron, Red Acrylic Colour ( Optional),
Knife, Feviquick or Hot Glue

Procedure :
  1. Take 2 bottles & cut the bottom of their's.
  2.  (Optional : Using Green Bottle) Take 1 part & put the cutted part on the iron so that the Bottle bends towards inside.
  3. Join the parts & you would get the shape of an apple. 
  4. Now cut the a leaf and a piece of about 5x2 cm long .
  5. Take the rectangle piece and using the iron curl it into a long stem.
  6. Now using a heated knife make hole in the top of the plastic apple.
  7. (Optional: For Transparent Bottle) Colour the interior of apple using red acrylic colour. 
  8. Stick the Leaf on the Stem using Feviquick or Hot Glue and put it in hole on the Apple. 
And Your Apple is Ready ! 

Spiderman Mask DIY

This a process to make a Spidey 
Materials : Chart Paper (Red, Black), Head Bandage ( Net), Glue, Elastic, Scissors
  1. Download the PDF (Link given below) &  print it.
  2. Stick it on chart paper.
  3. Join the pieces by sticking the back .
  4. You would get a face shell, You can see below for the eyes which you can draw on the black chart paper,Make two of each
  5. Now make straight lines and some curve lines (Ref: Spiderman Webbing Template)
  6. Stick them using glue on the chart paper
  7. Now put the head bandage inside the mask and stick the eye behind
  8. Then Stick the Front also with the Mask
  9. Your Mask is Ready.

Link for PDF : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx8lCMV_bmHIYWZiaUc5emt1dDg/edit

Link for Reference : http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gslkfmUTEy4

Monday, 8 August 2016

Coconut Shell DIY

Jewelry Shell 

To make this you need the following :
Coconut Shells ,Crape paper, Scissors, Paint, Glue, Anything to hold it on top

Procedure :
  1. Take 3 different colors of crape paper & tie the plaits.
  2. After tying it, start rolling it around the shells and stick the ends of the plaits with fevicol.
  3. Color the interior with some gold paint.
  4. Make a hole on the top & put your favorite handle or anything to hold it.
  5. And you got yourself a Coconut Shell Jewelry Box .

